Monday, March 9, 2009

The Future of Money: the End of the Illusion

The horses of the Egyptians are flesh; and not spirit...."

The Future of Money is the Future of an Illusion: the Scepter of Mammon:
The first state of Innocence; the state of grace.

The Lord once said "Whoso commits sin is the servant of sin". But of our servitude not much is known; save that it's wages are death. But knowing the wages we need not investigate the process overmuch since we know the outcome; the more salient information would be in severing our relationship. This requires that we find out how we became the Devil's property. In Exodus it is stated that a man's servant or slave is considered his master's "money" or property; thus it is when Adam and Eve became the Devil's possession that they became his "money"; and the solar and lunar natures Adam and Eve were entrusted with in their virginity as the "light of the sun" which was the virginity of Adam and the "light of the moon" which was the virginity of Eve; the sun representing the spirit as divine and the moon representing the soul as universal. These two the Devil turned into his "gold" and his "silver".
As most are not aware the angels were created to be our servants; as they were in Paradise with Adam; however the rebellion which took place was over the fact that some angels thought it was much more fitting that man should serve angels rather than they serving him; thus our relationship to the angels has basically been much like the one we have with our pets; which is why such humility is needed to progress on the Path of the Just to gain equality with them: but it must be earned: it cannot be given; for this was Adam's original portion of responsibility when given the commandment of which he was to embody to overcome the serpent or angel of the devil who was his advesary: the representative of Eden or Nature; just as the Garden God planted with the angels creations' was the Divine Nature.
The children of the Devil place more value on gold than they do man; thus what is alive to them is Death to us; all who use money on the face of the earth thus have the "mark" of the beast which is the "brand" of the Devil; signifying whose property we are: angels don't use money as it stains everything it touches; like shit; only worse; because it is discarnate: half real and half illusion; that which "is and is not" is discarnate. Paper money has no intrinsic value: it is a "pretend" value we assign to it; but this "pretended" value is real enough to be killed for: thus we are dealing with something not of this world; the Vine of the Earth: the Scepter of Mammon. That through us the Devil hold the Creation hostage and ourselves to be ransomed is no secret; we have long recognized the unjust dominion of the "almighty dollar" as slavery beyong reason; but to free ourselves we must first take stock of "what we are fighting" against; as Jethro Tull said in their song "Living in the Past".

At the End we find in the Revelation of John the division of "Bond" and "Free"; this refers to the nations of the Eastern Hemisphere as under Communistic control as "Bondsmen" and those nations of the Western Hemisphere under Democratic control as "Free". We also have the division of "Rich" and "Poor" which refers to the nations of the Northern Hemishpere as "Rich" nations and those of the Southern Hemisphere as "Poor" nations. But whatever form of government we have we all use money; thus we are all considered the devil's children because we all use his money which is the REAL form of government: the one that rules us. But as the loss of our virginity led to our enslavement it is the regaining of our virginity which leads to our liberation; and this comes from the Holy One who died on the Cross as a Virgin for a crime he did not commit: thus Justice was given to him to dispense as his reward for having in his life given up all earthly pleasure.
Those who die with him are given this secret; the Child he never had is his Heir; and the name of this Child is the Wrath of the Lamb; and those who sing the Song of the Lamb are those Vorgins; but they who stand on the sea of glass mixed with fire are they who overcame the name of the beast which is "Fame"; and the number of his name which is "Fortune"; they have the Harps of God in their hands because they are written in the lamb's Book of Life; the seed of david who overcome are those musicians who have overcome all temptations as the gold is "tried" in the "fire". What profit a man to gain the world but lose his soul? As Solomon did; seek and find where it is written who received 666 talents of gold in one year: and that's back when 3 pieces of gold was enough for a man to live on for a year: and live well. The number the beast carries is the number of a man: and Solomon is that man. And it is Solomon who Jesus defeated in the wilderness as his own "shadow" because through Mary it was Jesus who was blood related to David through Solomon; as Joseph was blood related to David through Nathan. The 3 temptations that the devil offered to Jesus in the wilderness were those that Solomon had fallen for; being thought to be the son of Joseph Jesus actually had the right to the throne as being a descendent or "Son" of David; but this term is actually applied to Joseph by Gabriel; thus the Baptism of Jesus was the Resurrection of David; though no one knew this but Lord Jesus at the time.
This is how David's sin with Bathsheba was "put away"; for having gotten her pregnant and then arranging to have Uriah her husband killed; this is the source of the "invisable opponent" in the Grail who strikes and kills many: if one reads the words of Uriah in the Bible when being tempted by David one will find the Voice of the Archangel Michael; who David should have recognized speaking to him by God through Uriah; whose name means "Light of Jah". Thus David returned to pay for his crime: and if you read Psalm 22 you will find he reached the Cross as the Tree of Life 1,260 years before Jesus was born; the first words of David in this Psalm are the last words of Jesus on earth; they are "one and the same". That he kept his virginity to the End is how "the Light of the Sun" was recovered: this is why Lord Jesus is called by the Elect Malachi (in the position of the Last Prophet before Jesus arrived) "the Sun of Righteousness"; and Elijah was the new "Daystar" or Messenger we find "standing in the Sun" at Revelation in chapter 19 that Malachi mentions; this was to have been John the baptist's position when Jesus was to have baptized him: which never happened because he denied he was Elijah; at John's baptism by Jesus the Resurrection of Elijah would have been the beginning of the Resurrection of the Just; but it never happened either; because John had to arrive at the "spirit and the power of Elijah" by his own efforts; and he fell short; as few know who know not the Grail and do know; but in reading this you will all know that "our Redeemer liveth"; and what the nature of our redemption is; not sold under sin: but redeemed by Salvation; the Victory of Jesus on that Cross which everyone always takes as his defeat: wrong.
His death redeemed men, women and the fallen angels as well if they would repent and Rise to him; just as the Fall was of the archangel ( Azazyel); woman ( Eve ) and then man ( Adam ); followed by the second Fall with the angels ( as the third of the host ); with the women ( or daughters of men they married ); and then as with men ( as the men of Sodom ); the pattern of the fall was thus repeated twice: then came the Flood which destroyed Atlantis; called by Moses "Enoch"; the city of Cain named after his son: Enoch; which the Greeks called Atlantis; tis' the same. It's there the angels picked their wives. And now the Days of Noah have returned; with a world full of sexual iniquity and depravity with the Devil and his angels that turned the innocence of Golden Gate Park into the falleness of the Wilderness of Sin; the Wasteland of the Grail at the fall of the children of Israel. But the Prodigal Son does return from the dead; although Solomon at his return is a much chastened and humbled figure than before: it is he who is the Lost Sheep of Israel; singular as "in person"; and our Generation as "Ephraim" as the Lost 10 tribes of Israel as the Lost Sheep: plural as in "our generation". The non-violent Nazarenes and the sword carrying Zealots of Jesus day in Jerusalem are but the Hippies and the Radicals of our day in San Francisco; why else did the City of Saint Francis become Mecca for that brief time: it was the time of God's Visitation with Love; just as before when Jerusalem did not know the time of her Visitation with Jesus. And the Name of the Lord from the West is Love. As John says: "God is Love". Some of us forgot this; for it is written that Lord Jesus prophesied of this when he said: "And because inequity will abound at the End the love of many will grow cold". It couldn't grow cold unless it had been hot at some time: and I was ther in SF when it happened: I saw the face of God because I saw the face of Love. As it says: "Blessed are the pure of heart: for they shall see God."

That is why the Devil entered Peter to stop Jesus from going to Jerusalem to die: Satan had figured out by then that if Lord Jesus died a Virgin the Devil would inadvertently create his own Nemesis. This is why the thief at Christ's left hand tried to tempt him right until the end to save himself and him also with his powers; because the thief at the left hand was in the position of Satan the Devil; just as the thief at his right hand who defended Christ to the death was in the position of Michael the Archangel. That is why John the Apostle of Love says these words at his return: "Behold! I come as a thief". It is he who is the Lord's "right hand man"; Last of all; and servant of all: greatest in the kingdom of heaven. It is the good thief who enterd Paradise with the Lord: after all. By dying the two deaths; one; as a man; and the second: as a virgin it was Jesus who rose at his Resurrection as the Nemesis of the Devil: the Second Death; the Sun of Righteousness to those who love him; the Lake of Fire to those who hate him; yet they are "One and the Same"; and the Resurrection of Jesus is the Regeneration of David: and they are also "One and the Same".
The throne of David as the sun; the masculine principle; the key of David as the moon; the feminine principle which Jesus restored by being "faithful unto death" and taking no wife; keeping the Commandment that Adam did not keep. But he did chose a Bride: Mary of Bethany: he just never got to marry her and produce his heir. But the Child he chose in his Name is how God put His Name on the Children of Israel; and it is the return of this Child which John the Apostle of Love returns to proclaim at this: the time of the Dead; the Last Judgement: and the cutting down of the Vine of the Earth: and it's clusters of grapes as the 7 clesses: three rich upper classes "above" the earth: the rich men; the great men: and the kings of the earth; and the three poor lower classes "below" the earth: the free (as the homeless are called), the bondsmen (as the working poor are called) and the mighty men ( as the poor who own their own houses are called) and the middle class in the middle; fighting to go up and fighting not to go down; treading water above the Abyss; "swimming" above hell on earth which is poverty; where money is your blood; while trying to enter heaven on earth which is wealth; where you can spend money like water. And for real christians trying to advance on the Path over the cares of the world the poor have to deal with and the deceitfulness of riches the rich have to deal with no one has it easy; all are ensnared by the Vine of the Earth whose upper classes have congress with the lower heavens and whose lower classes have congress with the upper hells. How then do the first become last; and the last first? It's called "Justice"; and the Lamb's reward ( which is Justice; the Fairest of them All ) is with him.

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